Sunday, February 28, 2010

Who's who?

Thanks to Pam and Woan Min, things are starting to "heat up".

Before I share the wonderful stories that Woan Min has just imparted, I thought I might start off with this photo. Can you guess who's who (click on photo to enlarge)


  1. James,
    How smart, get all busy in the guessing game while you prepare to upload the rest. So how & when are you going to reveal the answers? I guess most will have problem guessing who the two little girls on the right were.
    woan min

  2. Yes, I have to set up a bait so that they will visit more regularly, and feel more inspired to contribute. ;-)

    You have shared some invaluable stories and photos, so I am going to upload them one by one, every few days.

    I think this is the best way to do it. Lastly, I agree that the two girls are the toughest.

  3. hahahaa... Yes, James, I agree with you on the "upload one by one, every few days"... that's why I split my post into 4 instalments! hahaha...

    I think I know the answers! And the two little girls must be... one (two) of us!!!

  4. XD, right, one every few days, I fully support. But it seems that we are the only 3 who are so on.....
    Pam, I give u another hint. Notice Uncle Lau was not in that photo? So that would narrow down the possiblities.heehee
    woan min

  5. Comments from my Facebook page where I posted this photo as well:

    From Alexius:

    which one is my mum?
    the little girls on the bottom right are tua yi's first two kids?

  6. From Valerie:

    Is mommy the one short bob hair standing next to popo's mother on the left of the pic?

    Think I m quite sure dat is her by rounds of elimination, haha. At first I tot Petrina carrying who? Then I realize oops it's Auntie Pauline...haha

  7. Yah, my husband said the same thing. Now I finally know that I am NOT picked up from the dustbin.

  8. Who said that? I love it how people would come up to my sister and you, mistaking you for Filipino maids. That is so funny.

    I got it once too on a bus in Singapore. I let a woman have my seat. She took it, and then asked if I was Thai. I told her "No, I am Chinese", to which she replied "but you very handsome ah."

    Gua gua ...
