Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Day by day...

Speaking of food… it brings many things to mind, which I shall write over 4 posts… here’s the first instalment…

My mum is not one who would regale us with tales of the past. So my memories of Gong Gong and Po Po would be those which I personally encountered from my stay with them.
I remember how, early in the morning, I would follow Gong Gong or Po Po or both, to the market & hawker centre. We would always stop by the newspaper store in the market first, for Gong Gong to buy newspapers.

But the newspaper store also sold many goodies such as sweets, chocolates and toys. Every day, I would be allowed to choose one item. In the beginning, I would choose sweets or chocolates. I soon realised that once you ate them, they were gone. Very soon, I started to choose different items of toys.

One day it was a plastic sword, another day it was a retractable dagger, and yet another day it could be a bow and arrow set. Yes, you can tell I had violent inclinations. Blame it on me playing with Vincent too much hahaha!

Then I discovered toy cars. You know, Matchbox cars. So I started to acquire one car, every other day. And soon I amassed a large collection. All thanks to Gong Gong and Po Po. I still have my cars they bought me, to this very day.

After the newspaper store, we would proceed to the hawker centre for breakfast. I can’t recall what I ate for breakfast, but I would always remember how Gong Gong would pour my milo into the large saucer for the milo to cool. Then I would drink it straight from the saucer, just like how Gong Gong showed me to.

Thinking back, it saddens me that I can’t recall more of my earlier years. I can only remember in bits and pieces like the above. But I suppose that is normal. After all, I was only a few years old. So, it’s good that James has started this going… now, it’s all our jobs to keep it alive!

1 comment:

  1. What wonderful stories. Thank you for sharing your experiences. We all have our little stories which we only know, and I hope that everyone will be encouraged to share their own story.

    Like you, I wished I remembered more of my story. It's not useful when all my Mum can sometimes offer is "you were very naughty and didn't want to go to sleep and kept everyone awake". I guess that's what happens when a child gets fed coffee. Ha! Ha!

    All these stories bring new knowledge and perspective to who they are. This is getting so exciting and sad at the same time because it makes me miss them more.
