Friday, May 10, 2013

Happy Mother's Day 2013

May 5

To my dearest Mom whom I know can see this: Happy Mother's Day in advance to you! Hope you enjoyed last night's dinner and even though you don't really like to take pictures, we managed to capture this stunning shot of you a few years ago. No need to wait to lose weight lah, you always have been and forever will be beautiful to everyone of us (hint: we need to take that family portrait liao). Thanks for everything that you have so selflessly done for us and given us our whole lives. You know we don't say this much but we love you very much. May you continue to stay happy and prosperous always. Love your children.
— with Paul Chandra Tjahjono, Eve Talasi, James Lew, Alexius Raphael Koh and Reine Ng.

  • You, Shalyn Lee, Richard Chan, Dave Lee and 29 others like this.
  • Dave Lee She is what, she is, she speaks her thoughts so directly with no qualms. She is always that pretty, well dress on occasions and she is my sister, and I love her too. This is to all my sisters, 'Happy Mothers' Day' in advance. My nephews and nieces please convey this message to them. I would like to thank you guys for being there for them on behalf....of me, of cause. .. soooo touching....tearing now..........Hey I am not bluffing. eyes are wet....
  • Eve Talasi I love her too. She is my sil, but she is like my own sister. Awww,,,, Dave Lee: I can outcry you. My eyes are wetter.
  • James Lew What a lovely message Valerie and thanks for including me in this message - whether by accident or not.

    My Mum always said to me "You have to thank all your aunts for taking care of you when you were growing up at Po Po's house. Oh how they doted on you, bought you goodies, toys and new clothes all the time. You have to thank Auntie Vera because you used to wake her up to play with you and made so much noise during the day when she needed the sleep because she's just worked the night shift.

    Like all of you said, my aunts are like my guardians and Auntie Vera never forgets to send me X'Mas and New Year cards filled with well wishes and love. I am so grateful to this loving upbringing that I was exposed to, from a very young age, which truly helped shape who I am today.

    In my mind, all of you will be the sweet, loving and most beautiful people. It's the heart that counts and we're truly blessed to have all of you in our lives.

    This is indeed a gorgeous portrait of your Mum and she is beautiful anytime of the day because of her generosity, loving, caring nature and we will always love you and be there for you!! Happy Mother's Day in advance.
  • Valerie Koh James - not a accident, meant to tag you coz of Uncle David's msg. I just bumped into your parents and sis having dim sum a few mins ago. tks for the lovely msg too!
  • Alexius Raphael Koh Valerie,thank you very much.Pls post a more flattering picture next time ( with my approval please, the Easter picture was horrid ).

    Eve - Thank you, I love you too.Happy Mother's Day in advance.

    Dave - Thank you. Love you too.So happy that you are enjoying life right now. May God bless you.

    James - Thank you.I was telling Alexius the other day that you were such a poor thing.Born without your father at your side ( He was in Germany then.) Your mum cried buckets every night to sleep.You were at our mercy at a very tender age.Thank God you are doing very well now.Praying that you will be happy always.May God bless you with good health & happiness today & always. Love , Auntie Vera.
  • James Lew Oh I see, Valerie. What a coincidence.
  • James Lew Thank you Auntie Vera. I knew he wasn't around but I didn't know she was crying buckets every night to sleep. I guess it was for his career and our future that he went overseas and as a child, I'd probably didn't feel I lacked a father's love because everyone was treating me so well.

    And I have to say that the hyperactive state was probably due to the coffee and Milo that Gong Gong and Po Po were feeding me (little sips of). Haha!

    My Mum's major complaint (till today) is that I gave up drinking milk from the bottle at the age of 1. I just didn't want it, ignoring the fact that I actually still don't like the taste of milk.

    The only "good thing" she says that came out of it is that I gave up the pacifier as well and that's why my teeth aren't crooked, like Jen and Julian's. Haha!
  • Alexius Raphael Koh Dave Lee
    Conveying of msg is not sincere enough.
    I'm sure they (your sisters) would love to hear it from the horse's mouth.
    Do you realise that we Chinese are too conservative.
    We should learn from the Caucasians or Malays.
    When they meet they not only greet, they embrace.
    I would love to see this happen in the Lee family in the coming years ahead.

    James Lew
    I agree, we have to be grateful to the Lee family upbringing. We were taught to put others before ourselves.

    Unlike you, I was brought up by my ah ma but I remember vividly spending my Sundays over at Po Po's place.
    Po Po would bear hug us and smell our heads while Gong Gong will share his farts with us.

    Coincidentally, this gorgeous picture of my mum was taken during my wedding. The generosity that the Lee family showered upon me made me feel so loved and I'm truly grateful to all my aunties and uncles.

    Happy Mother's Day in advance to Mummy and all the Aunties

    Yang Yang
  • Dave Lee My Dear Alexius,
    You don't know me well enough, as my sisters do. I believed you have missed out those hugs or holding of their (my sisters) hands, 'That' little longer, do happens till date.
    Like, you've mentioned, we are a little conservative. ..but for your info..Every hug and hang shake given out from me, meant alot and is full with sincerity. I also believe that the extra squeeze on hugs and firm hand shakes gaved the other party the confident to trust and acknowledged your existence. As we will chat, correspond and etc...down the road in near future, you will know what I mean.
    Right now, I am in the middle of a cooking, pork chop for dinner session and my tummy is rumblings. I will react as request, when the time is right. Byeeeeeeeeeeee
  • Eve Talasi Yang Yang: You were brought up by your Ah Ma, and while she was crusty and grumpy with the rest of us, she adored you. Your aunts adored you. I ADORED you. Your hair was smelled by me. Your ears were smelled by me. I used to comb your hair. Well, until I left anyway. When I visit you, can I comb your hair? xo
  • Lew Tor Liang Hi, Auntie Vera! Just wanted to tell you that you are a truly beautiful and amazing auntie. When I was young, I was very afraid of most of my aunties except for you, Auntie Pauline and Auntie Constance. Most of them would invariably ask me how I did for my exams and as I wasn't a high achiever, all I wished then was that the ground would swallow me up. Added to the wound, was that the fact that they would always compare me with Alvin and I would go into hiding when I see them approaching. However, that wasn't the case with you. You were sensitive to my feelings and would change the topic and offer me sweets or some delicious snack. You would whisk me to the table and say" Eat! You are too thin." I wonder if you know how grateful I felt then and that you made my visit to Po Po's house bearable and less humiliating.
    When I had to plan my wedding gowns, I desperately wanted advice and my mum suggested that I go to you as she was really impressed by your wedding gown. She said that you had an eye for details and wanted me to be as ravishing and sexy as you did on your wedding day. Till today, my friends could recall the gowns I wore and much credit must go to you.
    I also always look forward to your impromptu visits to my mum's house where you would always bring goodies such as ice cream, snacks and bak kwa which must have burnt a big hole in your pocket. My mum would always shake her head after your visit and remarked" She is so generous! She probably would not bear to buy this for her own family." I was too naive then and would look innocently at my mum, wondering what she meant by that.

    Thank you truly for being such a lovely auntie. I will always remember the values you try to inculcate in me and your words of wisdom. I kept them all in my heart and i thank the gods for sending a person like you into my life.
    With love, Hunnish
  • James Lew Just for the record, I agree with my sister Hunni (I think that's an autocorrect error). One of the biggest pet peeves was comparison of results which really irked me, even though I had no cousin studying the same year. Thank God Mark and Richard were 4 months younger but one study year later.

    Those are true heartfelt words which I echo and we are really all so lucky to be born into such a wonderful loving family headed by such wonderful grandparents, parent, siblings and cousins like Petrina, Pamela, Alvin, Vincent, Alexius, Valerie, Emmeline, Sim Woan Min etc.

    Nobody acknowledges aunts, uncles and cousins much for the impact they have, but I can't ask for a better childhood sparkled with sweet memories of spending time with all of you. Let the love fest begin!
  • Valerie Koh Jennifer: I rem the wedding gowns too!! You had three outfits for the night!! And I was like, my wedding also must be super pretty like you! Hahaa yah my mom had a hand in my gowns as well. :)) ahhh memories ....

    How come you using yr dad fb? u also have one no?
  • Pamela Tan This thread has turned into Lee Family Confessions. Shall copy and paste all into the Lee Family Blog
  • Valerie Koh Yah I love this thread. Like what Jennifer said, my mom was sensitive to my feelings too. Emmeline was the sister I never had and while growing up, my mom will always make sure that when she bought something for Emm, she will buy another same set for me as well so I won't be upset. I find myself doing the same thing to my Chloe and Charlotte now :)))
  • Eve Talasi Vera was gorgeous on her wedding day. I have a picture of her in a bare-shouldered red dress and big hair. I remember going to the market with my mom that afternoon just before the reception to get her a flower for her hair for that night coz she needed a fresh one. When she wore it, she was so pretty. She still keeps herself well.
  • Dave Lee Could not agreed more with those comments on this fb.... not only I felt that, we are getting closer, but others too. And the credits goes to..........'ME' yea...I started the first comment. 3 cheers to me..... hip.hip hooray...HUAT AH!!!

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